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Intensive Trainings

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This 5-days intensive course will include all aspects of the process in prospect maturation with thorough and detailed description. Prospect play evaluation is so important in order for the delegates to understand the risk & uncertainty as well as to improve the quality of the basin settings.

Besides that, delegates are able to gain knowledge on the volumetric evaluation as well, and how identify the risked related to it and make it statistically correct. There will also be discussion on Stratigraphic & Structural Play Analysis & Interpretation with data’s around the world and espcially case studies focussing basins in Australia.

On top of that, this will be a comprehensive course with case studies using the data’s of basin from Australia as well as South East Asia region basins. Delegates will be given examples to do a hands-on exercise to further enhance their understandin and put in play in real world work.

Benefits Of Attending

  • Opportunities to identify new prospect plays and target
  • Balancing integration from different sub-surface disciplines
  • Understand stratigraphic & structural plays & interpretation
  • A clear understanding of volumetric assessments and calculations
  • Case studies focussing Australian basins and other regions
  • Introduction of conventional & unconvetional plays

Who Should Attend

This course is ideal for professionals who are involved in prospect maturation and looking into these areas of study. Job titles include:

  • Exploration & Development Geoscientists (Geologist & Geoscientists)
  • Prospect Play Analysts
  • Researchers
  • Petrophysicists
  • E & P Managers

For further information of this course, please email to

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